Saturday, January 27, 2007

Be Still

Do you love life? Do you appreciate the little things? Do ever slow down and just think? We live in such a fast paced society. So often I have a hard time to just slow down enough to relax. When I do though it's great. I love to just get lost in my thoughts. To think about life. To consider the past and where I've been. To think about God. Not to just think of Him in some distant intellectual way but to really ponder who He is. It's that true intimacy I long for and am usually to busy to experience. It's those quiet times, even in a noisy world, when I am closest to my savior. It's when my heart is filled with an aching love for the one who loves me more than I can even pretend to understand. It's when my passion truly comes alive.
Life is to fast. Let's not hurry it along. Let's slow down and enjoy the important things. Let's celebrate the relationships in our lives. Let's cherish the time we have. Let's show the world what true love looks like. Let's be alive.

1 comment:

Peter said...

I can think of some slowed down moments myself where Jesus is intimately present. I have known friends who never slow down and I wonder if they experience that intimacy.

By the way, Sunday will be a great time to "slow down" as we spray powder on each other at Eldora. Don't forget! :-))